Graduate Thesis Shows


Michael Segura – MEH!

MEH! (Methods, Education and Hope) is centered on digital toolkits for dissent I created to share widely. This is a set of resources that can grow in quantity and is intended to expand people’s perspectives through artistic commentary directed at social issues that plague San Bernardino and the planet. I focus on cultivation on ways participation leads to the creation of community. I want to see change arise within the local sphere through sharing my art and resources to plant seeds of dissent amongst the apathetic population. 


Ragini Bhow – Sometimes when you sleep you look so ancient

Sometimes when you sleep you look so ancient is an installation that takes place as a speculative moment where the ancient past and deep future seek synchronistic relationship and materialize within an elusive present. Building off of the idea that the past is not closed, it is open, and that the art/artist may function as that conduit, this installation functions as a mythical ecosystem. I am interested in an edge between worlds, portals, which could dissolve or emerge simultaneously, and how sculpture may act as a sort of rupture. Sometimes when you sleep you look so ancient explores how the various forms of consciousness human/non-human artificial/natural may coexist in time and space.

nicholas b jacobsen – from

from is a partial record of my people and the lands I was raised with/in. My family has been Mormon and Utahn for as long as either of those two things have existed. All of my direct ancestors were in Utah by 1884 and they never left.  I was raised on Nuwu (Southern Paiute) lands in a place my people call Saint George, Utah. But this is not the land my flesh evolved with. This is not the place from which my language emerged. I am in love with this land, the land that raised me. I am in love with someone else’s homeland.

Show Catalogue


Kaitlin Bryson – Gently Radical Changing

Gently Radical Changing was an expansive and collaborative project between Kaitlin Bryson, Tewa Women United, and artists and activists in New Mexico. This project was focused on spreading awareness about and helping remediate toxic lands and histories stemming from the development of the Atomic Bomb at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) through interactive artwork and lectures, workshops and demonstrations.

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Hollis Moore – pulse flow

pulse flow engages with the people and places influenced by the 2014 spectacle that released Colorado River water south of the US-Mexico border, becoming the first bi-national agreement to dedicate water flows for environmental restoration. pulse flow deconstructs the role of map-making in landscape representation through an installation of works on paper, a handmade canoe, video, and participatory workshops. The work proposes that the modern meander of the Colorado River through the Delta is flooded by a meshwork of communities, ecosystems, politics, and memories.